Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Psychometric Tests Help Military Identify Cyber Security Candidates

Source:  Psychometric Tests Help Military Identify Cyber Security Candidates
(April 24, 2015)
The US military has begun using psychometric tests to help identify
strong candidates for cyber security training. New research indicates
that people best suited for these positions not only have strong math
and logic skills, but also an eye for detail and an ability to intuit
how people will behave. In addition, there is a correlation with musical
ability. Well-designed tests not only identify people who will likely
do well in the field, but may also identify which candidates are best
suited for offensive work and which for defensive.

Editor's Note (Paller): Commercial companies are now using a further
developed version of these same tests to determine which prospective or
existing employees can be expected to do well in advanced cybersecurity
education and roles. 

Details at https://www.sans.org/cybertalent

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