Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Share the National Consumer Protection Week video | OnGuard Online

Source:  Share the National Consumer Protection Week video | OnGuard Online

Share the National Consumer Protection Week video

February 26, 2014by Lisa Lake

Consumer Education Specialist, FTC

Tagged with: resources

Blog Topic: Avoid Scams, Be Smart Online

National Consumer Protection Week — March 2-8 this year — is a time to highlight free consumer resources that help people avoid scams, prevent identity theft and make more informed buying decisions. Just in time for this 16th annual celebration, here’s a new video, available in theNCPW Toolkit, to help you get the word out about the week to your network of colleagues, neighbors, friends and family.

This 60-second video provides an overview of what the week is all about. It is ideal to include on your website or social media page or to download and show at any event — community or club meetings, school gatherings, conferences… you name it! There are lots of other items you can use to build awareness of your consumer education activities during NCPW or any time of the year.

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