Friday, July 4, 2014

Ladies and Gentlemen, here it is. We’ve put a lot of effort into this, and it’s very long. We tried to think of every angle in terms of privacy, and the effort was worth it. Almost 13,000 words about how to protect your privacy online. There’s no need to read it at once, just check the index below and click on the parts that interest you.
If you want to contribute, please leave a comment at the bottom!
Update  08 May 2014: in addition to many minor updates, we have included a whole new section on the Heatbleed Bug, have completely revamped the section on Encryption to better reflect the ongoing revelations about the NSA’s concerted attempt to subvert all encryption standards (possibly with NIST help), and have noted the results of the first phase of the ongoing audit of TrueCrypt.
Update 17 June 2014: in a move that is as surprising as it is baffling, the devs behind TrueCrypt have pulled the plug on the popular full-disk encryption program. Conspiracy theories abound, and while some developers seek to fork the software, Phase II of the audit goes ahead. For more details on the story seehere and here. Until the audit is complete, we strongly suggest avoiding TrueCrypt, and migrating TrueCrypt containers to other programs, such as toDiskcryptor  for Windows users, or Dm-crypt/LUKS and bwalex/tc-play (a free TrueCrypt Implementation based on dm-crypt) for Linux users.
·         Encryption key leghth
·         Ciphers
·         NIST
·         NSA attacks on key encryption
·         Perfect Forward Secrecy
·         Metadata
·         Bitcoin
·         VPN
·         Tor
·         Cached DNS entries
·         Flash Cookies
·         Mobile browser security
·         Clear your Google History
·         PGP on mobile devices
·         Encrypted Webmail
·         Encrypt your Gmail
·         Other email precautions
·         Ditch the cell phone!
·         Use TrueCrypt
o    Auditing the code
o    Mobile options
·         Antivirus
·         Anti-malware
·         Firewalls
·         Use a Virtual Machine
·         Give Whonix a try
·         Password protect your BIOS
·         Change DNS servers
·         Use secure passwords
·         Social networking
·         Avoid all US based services
·         Is privacy worth it?

·         Final words

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